Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baby Steps

I need to start blogging again. I really need the creative outlet. I have a lot of pertinent things to say, but needed to find the right forum. Perhaps this is it. You may not always agree with what I have to say, but that is ok. Life would be really boring if we were all the same.
My name is Joi and I am a Democrat! I am proud of that. I am grateful to have a mother that taught me to think outside of the box.
I voted for President Obama, and I am proud of that. It is really nice to have an intelligent President again.
I really strongly dislike Sarah Palin.
I love my job.
I love my friends, they are my rock.
So join me on the journey.....

1 comment:

Jenna van Wyler said...

Joi you are awesome. Plain and simple!