Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My Father

On February 16 of this year marked the 12th anniversary of my father's passing. It is really odd in a lot of ways. I remember the phone call and the next few hours like it was yesterday. The pain has dulled, but there are still occasions that I want to pick up the phone and call him.
St Patrick's Day was his favorite holiday. I always get sentimental at this time of year. Even though it has been 12 years, I still miss my dad. He had his faults and wasn't around for most of my life, but I am so grateful I was able to spend the last 8 years of his life with him. I will never forget the last time I talked to him, a few days before he died. The last thing I told him was , "I Love you Daddy".

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I remember your father, very vaguely. He was always very nice to me. My grandmother passed 10 years ago and it gets easier, as you probably know, but never goes away. Love you sweetie. - Lisa